You can charge yourself by asking the energy of Venus to fill your heart chakra.
You can ask Saturn to fill you with its energy to create positive successful flourishing timelines.
You can ask Neptune to fill you with its watery energy that will reconnect you to your emotions and cleanse them.
You can ask the Sun to fill you with its golden light and it will charge you up. Its light will ascend your DNA into higher frequencies.
You can ask the Ocean to pour its electrical energy into you
Humanity needs to charge their bodies, souls, and auras, and this will heal them and manifest positive timelines for them.
You have this power within you, so summon the great ancient spirits called the Ocean, Sun, Moon, and Stars, and they will fill you with their Divine Frequencies.
We need to master our energy and recharge it.
This is the solution to the struggling and scarcity on this planet. This will create a shift into healing and abundance on all levels.
We can ask the ETs to help us in our earthly journey and they willingly shall do this for us.
We can ask the Angels to protect us and bless us on all levels and they shall do so.
We have so much aid, love, and help and all we need to do is to tap into this and request help when needed and divine energy to charge us up.
We’re God; we're creators who need to step into this power and embrace it without fear or judgement.
We can shift this planet starting with ourselves and channelling the power within us to heal this planet and everyone on it.
We’re the major players on this planet.
And we have the power!