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Sarah Sedona

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Sarah R. Adams is a renowned Intuitive Healer and Multidimensional Coach who bridges the gap between our world and the cosmos. Her extraordinary journey often takes her beyond the physical realm, where she connects with a diverse array of enlightened extra-terrestrial beings, including Mantis beings, Pleiadeans, Greys, and aquatic aliens. Sarah emphasizes that these visitors are overwhelmingly positive, sharing a deep commitment to the evolution of our planet. Her unique connection allows her to channel wisdom and facilitate profound healing for those seeking higher consciousness. Sarah’s healing practice includes the removal of energetic implants, black magic, and entity attachments, integrating celestial energies into her sessions. She passionately teaches others to unlock their own healing abilities, empowering them to sustain their spiritual journey. With thousands of clients worldwide, Sarah has helped many step into their Multidimensional Divine Power.

About Sarah


Herbal Potions

Herbal Potion

I do my own herbal/floral mixes of which I make teas and potions with. I also use these herbs in my bath and enemas (they are so potently charged with high vibration energy).

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Sceptical but open-minded, I decided to join her program, beginning with weekly sessions for five months and recently increasing to two sessions a week. The results have been nothing short of life-changing.

- Larry, Florida

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